Zip Zop Zoom!
Faith-based Drama Intensives Online this August
Kids may be “zoomed out” by the end of school–but by August, let’s do something together that’s physical and fun.
Get them on their feet through intensive training with other kids from around Ontario (and your own church — if you get them to sign up too).
They will sweat! And join with others online, in large and small group practice and performance.
This unique faith-based curriculum integrates scripture, prayer and fellowship into dramatic disciplines.
Head Instructor Dennis Hassell is an award-winning internationally recognized artist who has given hundreds of youth professional drama instruction in CBOQ churches. His youth scripts have been given thousands of performances in 14 countries in five languages.
Online Child Safety is a key focus. Camp Coordinator: Pastor Khiet Lin, Brampton Chinese Baptist Church (CBOQ).
Zip Zop Zoom! Drama Intensives for Grades 6-12 will run online August 17-21 2020, Monday to Friday 9.45am-3:15pm, plus a showcase Friday. Students participate from a laptop (tablet, Smartphone , etc.) $90 incl. taxes for five days, including showcase event. Class size limited.
Parents & Teachers, get registration info here.
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