Take Out Church
Summer is coming! And that means many of the families in our faith communities will be travelling or participating in other activities that take them away from church. Why not stay connected and provide some fun family faith formation resources too?
First launched in 2019, we have been providing various summer resources for churches to bless their families with as they travel and also have ready for any visiting families. Below you will find links to the 5 years of resources we have created as well as the March Break Edition we made.
Even if you do not use all the Take Out Church resources, be sure to check out Flat Jesus and encourage your families to have some fun being reminded that Jesus is with them no matter where they are!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram this summer as we post the ‘best of the best’ from our 5 years of ideas.
View 2019 Resource Page Download 2019 ResourceView 2020 Resource Page **This year was fully virtual with social media posts only**
View 2021 Resource Page Download 2021 Resource
View 2022 Resource Page Download 2022 Resource
View 2023 Resource Page Download 2023 Resource
View March Break Resource Page
F.A.Q. for Ministry Leaders
Q: Why Takeout Church?
A: I first came across this idea in 2016 when I read this post from a church that had come up with the idea as a way to engage families over the summer. The idea stuck with me and in 2019 I decided this would be a great resource to create for our churches to support them in equipping families for faith formation.
Q: What does it cost?
A: It all depends on how you might want to customise the resource for your community! If you follow just the basic resource here you will need to purchase some kind of box/container, bag, pail, etc to put the materials in, any items/supplies listed in the various kit themes and the cost of printing the resources.
Q: Do I have to create this exactly as described for my families?
A: No! You can create it exactly as is or customise it in any way that makes sense for the families in your church! This is not an original idea to CBOQ Kids but has been based on the idea from the church that originally created it.
Q: What is the age range for this resource?
A: This resource has been created to be used intergenerationally. The Bible stories chosen, along with the discussion questions and activities are suitable for young children through older adults and can easily be simplified or expanded depending on age and biblical understanding.
Q: Is there a teaching theme this resource uses?
A: Yes! Each year’s resource focuses on a different theme.
Q: What are the hashtags? Why use them?
A: A hashtag is the # symbol followed by a word or phrase, used on social media like instagram and facebook. It is a way of categorising messages or pictures that allows it to be discovered by others. We are inviting people to use #cboqkids and #takeoutchurch and #flatjesus (all 3!) so that we can connect with and see everyone making use of this resource and to join with other churches that have used this idea over the last 5 years. You may want to add a hashtag for your church or ministry as well!
How do we go about obtaining these resources for the summer?
Hi Shelley! The resources are currently on the website on pages corresponding to their year https://www.cboqkids.ca/takeoutchurch2019/ (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) So you can go to each page however there will be direct links to each on this page posted soon!