Tips and Ideas for Churches to Support Marriages
Anyone who is married knows that marriage, while full of many wonderful blessings, is not easy, requires hard work and a daily commitment to choose to love one another. In the best of times, it is not easy but throw in the added stress and pressure of young kids and you increase the possible challenges. We need to be cheering on and encouraging our married people.
If you do not already have an intentional plan for supporting and encouraging married couples, consider taking time to develop one. Following are some ideas for intentionally praying with Scripture for the married couples in your faith community and a few ideas to provide a “Date Night at Home”
Scripture Prayer Prompts
Insert couples’ names in these Scriptures as you pray for them:
Pray 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Heavenly Father, may you deepen in (names) hearts an unconditional, sacrificial pattern of behaviour that puts each other’s best interests above their own. May you deepen a love that is patient and kind; a love that does not envy or boast; a love that is not arrogant or rude; one that does not insist on its own way and is not irritable or resentful; a love that does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Thank you, God, for your example of true love – a love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and that never ends. May this be the foundation upon which their love continues.
Pray Ephesians 4:2-3, 32. Heavenly Father, may (names) treat each other with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. By your grace upon them may they be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as you in Christ forgave them. May you keep them from any unforgiveness or bitterness.
Date Night In Kit
You do not need to spend a lot of money to bless a couple by dropping off a date night in kit. This is a wonderful way to tangibly show them that you are praying for them and supporting them in their marriage relationship. Following are listed a few download and print game ideas you could include with a few treats, a card or note of blessing, or whatever else you think of!
Madlibs Story: This fun activity is sure to provide lots of laughter as couples get creative with a story!
Date Night In Questions: No matter how well or long we have known someone there is always something more to learn about one another. Sometimes it just takes asking some new questions. Print off these questions couples can ask one another.
Hot Chocolate Gratitude Party: Hot chocolate bombs are popular. Why not find a local retailer or make your own and include them in a kit with the instruction to sit down together to drink them and as they drink share things they are grateful for about the other person.
Paint Night Kit: Another popular activity, you could put together a paint night kit. A couple of canvases, some paint brushes and paint are all that is needed to create a fun experience!
Digital Connection
Send an email, text message or call couples to express a brief message of encouragement and blessing. If you have a church facebook page or Instagram, or weekly email, consider posting a message of encouragement and blessing for the married couples in your faith community. You can also check out the fun ideas we have recorded for couples in our Marriage Tip of the Day videos or Date Night Ideas on our Rekindle Playlist.
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