Reel Family Time
Watch. Laugh. Share.
We’re inviting families to enjoy a movie together and engage in faith discussions based on the screening.
Watching a movie together is a chance to create a terrific family memory. Movies has the ability to transport us to different time periods, different countries and even to the future. They fill us with a wide array of emotions, teach us valuable lessons and force us to ask questions about things we never once considered. Movie watching creates community. It is a shared experience that leads to conversation and discussion and allows us to think about significant issues in a new light. Movies offer new perspectives and share old stories in new ways, ways that force us to reconsider what we once thought we knew. Movies offer an opportunity to expose kids to new ideas in a safe environment where their thoughts and questions can be discussed. Movies offer an opportunity to discuss your faith and help kids learn to discern whether themes they’re watching reflect Christian faith or not.
That’s what Reel Family Time is all about. Reel Family Time is an opportunity for families to share in the experience of watching a movie together with the intention of engaging in a discussion about the movie later that day or week. There are two main goals behind this initiative:
We recognise that a large part of our mission as the church is to share the message of Jesus with the world around us. As a community of churches we do our best to invite others to our Sunday morning service, our Friday night BBQ’s and our midweek programs. We attempt to create events that will engage new comers. Reel Family Time is designed to be an event that churches could plan for families to sign up for and invite families from outside of the church to attend. A movie theatre is a comfortable place for families outside of the church to attend and a new release on the big screen is a pretty convincing draw to get families to show up.
We prioritise resourcing and equipping parents as they teach their children about what it means to follow Jesus. Providing opportunities for families to create memories, build relationship and remember that following Jesus goes beyond a Sunday morning is important. We can teach our kids about Jesus in ever day ordinary moments, like basketball games and in movie theatres and we are here to support you as you do this. We create family discussion guides for movies that supply parents with a list of questions they can discuss together with their children. Some of the questions inquire about favourite characters or part of the movie while others encourage discussion around themes or where Biblical principles were demonstrated in the film.
We are pleased to provide you with some resources to engage your children with thoughtfulness and discernment with the media they watch. Below is a list of current or upcoming movies/discussion guides that we will be providing. You can find discussion guides we have created here.
If you are interested in planning a Reel Family Time event at a local theatre, download a copy of our guide, Reel Family Time Event Planning Ideas.
We are adding new movie discussion guides for older, popular movies and any new family movies that release to streaming services. If there is a particular movie you are looking for, please email Tanya to inquire or check out this page.
We are back to the theatre! Discussion Guides for these moving are coming soon!
July 1
July 15
July 29
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