Re-opening Children’s Ministry at Listowel Baptist Church
It certainly is an understatement to say that 2020 has been a year that has called upon ministry leaders to navigate ministry in new ways. For several months the province of Ontario was under lockdown, which included churches and that meant children’s ministry leaders needed to rethink how to minister to children and families. Now that we are in a different stage of the pandemic, with different restrictions depending on where you are, churches have begun to resume in-person ministry and some are contemplating resuming in person children’s ministry. Perhaps you are in this place right now. However, we are aware that it is not as simple as just going back to doing things how we did them pre-lockdown. Children and Family Ministries Director, Paige Bryne-Mamahit shares the story of resuming in person children’s ministry at Listowel Baptist Church. She raises points to consider that you might find helpful as you discern the return to in-person children’s ministry.
Key Points:
*form a ‘relaunch team’ that includes various interests represented (parents, leadership, children’s ministry volunteers, worship leaders, etc)
*have your goals clearly in mind
*listen to various perspectives and voices with diligence and discernment
*walk through macro-level and micro-level details
*have someone physically walk through the space the kids will move through and identify potential points of challenge
*be willing to make temporary changes and compromise in order to facilitate the most options for families.
*be diligent in keeping up with local guidelines and be consistent! i.e. mask policy for kids
*rethink programming/scheduling of lesson components in light of ministry shifts
Email Paige for any questions you have about Listowel’s experience. Need further support, resources or guidance for re-opening children’s ministry? Email Tanya.
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