Paul Meets Lydia
Check out Acts 16:11-15.
After lots of travelling, Paul, Silas and Timothy went to Philippi. On the Sabbath, they looked for a place to pray near the river.
Where do you like to pray? Do you have a special place to pray? Have you ever made a prayer fort? Use blankets and cushions to make a really cool fort. Have some time in the fort chatting with God, and listening, too!
Paul, Silas and Timothy shared about Jesus with some women who were gathered near the river. They shared about Jesus with everyone! Lydia was one of the women there. She was a businesswoman who sold purple cloth, an expensive luxury at the time. She was a follower of God, but was new to learning about Jesus. She decided to be baptised and follow Jesus, along with everyone in her household. Lydia then opened her home to Paul, Timothy and Silas, offering hospitality – a place to stay and food.
Paul, Timothy and Silas are missionaries – missionaries tell others about Jesus, with words and actions. Paul, Timothy and Silas often used words.
Chat Together…
I wonder… how do you share about Jesus not using words?
How does serving others fit with sharing Jesus?
Lydia shared Jesus’ love with Paul, Silas and Timothy by showing them hospitality. Consider your friends and family. What can you do to serve them? How does that serving share who Jesus is?
I wonder… are you a missionary? In what ways might you be a missionary?
Let’s make colourful cloth!
Lydia’s job was to sell purple cloth. We can also make colourful cloth at home using natural materials. Check out this link.
Take a photo of your creation with Flat Jesus! Tag CBOQKids or use #cboqkids #takeoutchurch #flatjesus on social media. We would love to see how it turns out!
Our larger church has missionaries who serve in a variety of countries. Check it out. How can you encourage a missionary? Consider praying for them by name! Write them an encouragement note or make them some art. Share with your friends at church about what the missionaries do.
Take it with you! Jesus shares love. I can share love!
Jesus, thank you that I can follow you. You are awesome because…
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