Experience the Arts Camp and VBS
Every summer, children and volunteers alike count down the days until just before those special weeks at the end of July, when the decorat..
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Bridging the Transition
For a long time children’s ministry and youth ministry have been understood as two completely different worlds. However, as has been illus..
A Story from Westview Baptist Church
In 2012 we at Westview Baptist Church wanted to try something new, something that would allow us to reach out to the families in our commu..
Church-Wide Bible Memorization
During the season of Lent, Stanley Park Baptist Church encouraged each individual and family to memorize a portion of God’s Word.
Why did..
Connecting Church and Home
Book Review
I have just read the newly published book by Dr. Tim Kimmel and it has been one of the most practical and helpful books I have..
If You Don’t Know Your Bible You Don’t Have a Prayer!
Greetings from Ken & Darlene Wall. We would like to tell you about our Harmony Baptist Bible Challenge. Our goal was to make up a very exc..
“Preparing for Easter” Family Event
Recently Walmer Road Baptist Church hosted a family lunch and activity event following Sunday morning worship. Families were first invited..
Eyes that See & Ears that Hear
“What if your children could grow up hearing the voice of their heavenly Father daily? What if they could walk in intimate friendship wi..
Family Discipleship based on the Church Calendar
We will not hide these truths from our children:
We will tell the next generation
About the glorious deeds of the Lord,
About his power an..