Family Compassion Experience – Domincan Republic 2015
Why a Family-based Compassion Experience?
In our western culture of prosperity and instant gratification children are growing up adaptin..
Stories from Bloor West Village Baptist Church
Here at our little church, Bloor West Village Baptist Church (formerly Farmer Memorial Baptist Church) we started a new ministry in Sept. ..
Turning Halloween Night into Family Blessing Night
Raptors Family Night
Create a great family memory with a night out at a Raptors Game! Stay following the game for some post-game fun including hearing the fait..
Family Compassion Experience Cuba 2014
Why a Family-based Compassion Experience?
In our western culture of prosperity and instant gratification children are growing up adaptin..
Book Review
Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for kids by Sarah Young, adapted by Tama Fortner is an excellent resource for family devotions. Each page has..
Don’t Forget to Pack the Kids
Book Review
This book is an excellent, practical resource for families wondering about or interested in an overseas mission experience wit..
A summer at camp, summer of blessings: select stories of God’s work at Camp Norland this summer
How do you even begin to sum up an entire summer of ministry? I find it hard to believe that it is over when it feels like it just began y..
Calvary Baptist Church Gravenhurst – Growing Together
Calvary Baptist Church in Gravenhurst runs a program that is going into its third year this September called Growing Together. The program..
Book Review – Route 52 Curriculum
If you are searching for some affordable, easy to use, quality Bible teaching material for children consider checking out Route 52 from St..