The Journey toward Compassion is Paved with Experiences
Compassion Experiences: “A particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another ..
Intergenerational Faith Formation- The Glue
Lately I have been having a lot of conversations with people about bringing the generations together in our churches. Usually the conversa..
Spring Garden Church: Intergenerational Initiatives Pt. 3
Dedicating Parents
By Gene Tempelmeyer
Scott and Kate Moore are becoming adept at dedicating themselves to Christ-following parent..
Spring Garden Church: Intergenerational Initiatives Pt. 2
The following is Pt. 2 in the series of articles Spring Garden Church has been publishing in regards the their small steps in being a more..
Spring Garden Church: Intergenerational Initiatives Pt. 1
The Pastoral team at Spring Garden Church are approaching things a little differently these days. They are engaging the question, ‘how can..
Will My Daughter Leave the Church?
Will my daughter leave the Church?
Are we doing “it” right?
Are we teaching her enough bible, songs, and history?
Are we helping her ..
Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids
Jesus Calling was originally a devotional book written for adults to experience God’s presence in their everyday aspects of life. Literall..
Travel & Ministry when you have Kids
Pastor Matt Sampson & his wife Alyssa, from Agincourt Baptist Church, love to see God at work in Community. Whether its in their own commu..
Too Much Bristol Board in this ‘Mission’!
It crossed my mind the other day that when I hear my local church community mention ‘mission’, what I often am hearing is the phrase ‘mi..
Blown Away: Children’s and Family Ministry Leadership Conference
Join us at Blown Away Conference 2015 to equip, encourage, and empower leaders, parents, teachers, and volunteers of Children’s and Famil..