Sparkhouse Webinar Blog Post: Music in Sunday School
In the world of Children’s Ministry the ability to have music incorporated into a Sunday morning program is more often than not the respon..
Children and Communion
Looking for a brand new resource to help you start having conversations with your kids about Communion? Well CBOQkids has created a brand ..
Book Review: “One Thousand Gifts” by AnnVoskamp
Ann Voskamp’s book “One Thousand Gifts” offers a beautiful depiction of what the eucharist represents for us as Christ followers. It’s an ..
CBOQkids vs. Raptors 905
The world of professional sports can be a fast paced and thrilling world to live in. Professional athletes have the opportunity to travel,..
Book Review: “You Are Special” by Max Lucado
Imagine living in a world where the social currency is gold stars and grey dots. The gold stars are awarded to the best looking and most t..
The Broken Way
Some books just wreck you in the best way possible. They shatter and then reconstruct your ideas and beliefs and radically change the way ..
Multi-Generational Sunday School: Webinar Recap
Serving in Children’s Ministry means we are constantly learning, we are learning from our kids, from our volunteers and staff members, as ..
The 5 Love Languages of Children
At our very core we are all relational beings – we desire love, care and affection and we require it daily. As adults we have had years of..
A Family Guide to The Lion the Witch and theWardrobe
“The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” is undoubtedly going to be an exciting read for you and your family but wouldn’t it be incredible if..
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: Book Review
Here’s the first thing I want you to know about the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: it is going to change your life. It will change and e..