Pecha Kucha Presentations
In June, I attended the Children’s Spirituality Summit held at Lipscombe University. You can read my initial reflection here. One element ..
Lessons for the Heart: 52 Ways to Share God with Children
Reverend Cheryle Hanna, pastor at Fourth Avenue Baptist Church has written a brand new children’s ministry resource that will soon be avai..
Initial thoughts/overview of the Children’s Spirituality Summit 2018
I had the privilege of spending the last few days at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee for the Children’s Spirituality Summit. I..
Incredibles 2 Discussion Guide
Incredibles 2 is a funny movie that has many great themes that could be discussed as family! Warning: it may not be suitable for young chi..
Wind Warriors
Do you want to share in the deepest dreams and joys, and the biggest questions and struggles, that your child has?
Do you believe that pr..
Next Steps Survey
Pentecost is the English transliteration of the Greek work meaning “fifty”. We celebrate Pentecost as the culmination of the Easter season..
Messy Church
Have you heard of Messy Church? Wonder what is all about?
If you are looking for ways to reach families that do not attend your church ..
I am really excited to share with you an opportunity that I discovered a few months ago. You may be aware that the Next Generation Departm..
Assembly 2018
Have you registered for this year’s Assembly yet? Other than the opportunity to gather with your larger Baptist family, here is why you do..