Raptors 905 Faith & Family Event
On March 10, 2018 a group of 50 kids and families joined us for a great afternoon watching the Raptors 905 take on the Canton C..
Review: Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel
I will say it out loud… sometimes this parenting gig is overwhelming. And exhausting. And I second guess myself… and third guess… a..
December’s Beatitude
Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
As I reflected on this verse, I thought about ..
Mary Poppins Returns Discussion Guide
Mary Poppins Returns has captured all of the joy and magic of the first movie! It is silly, joyful and filled with family, love and advent..
Book Review: Unwrapping the Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp
Approaching Christmas is always a joy, and our traditions are truly beautiful, be it at home or at church. Lighting the advent candles, r..
An Amazing Day at the Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference!
On Saturday Novemeber 3, 2018, almost 400 people gathered at the Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference to learn more about reaching kids ..
The Grinch Discussion Guide
The Grinch is a sweet movie! The Grinch doesn’t like Christmas, and will go to great lengths to try to steal it! With sweet humour and fun..
Meet Chelsey
I have had the pleasure this year of getting to know Chelsey Zylla, a young adult with a passion to share with churches the message God ha..
Book review Special Needs Smart Pages
I love how churches are paying attention to making church welcoming to everyone. I love the picture of church where no one is marginalize..
November’s Beatitude
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
What is meekness? As I reflect on this verse I think of those that are humbl..