Parenting for Faith Training Cluster
This course is a free, 8 session video based teaching that will equip parents with tools to parent for faith right now in the ways God..
January Family Faith Conversation
In a world where there are so many different messages of what makes a person valuable and worthy, isn’t it incredible to hear the words ‘Y..
Book Review
This is a fun new book from Tim Huff that is definitely worth checking out! While it might appear to be a children’s book, this is actuall..
December Family Faith Conversation
Isn’t it AWESOME that God loves us so much that He sent his only Son to be born as a human?! As you reflect on that this month in preparat..
Frozen 2 Movie Discussion Guide
The much anticipated sequel to Disney’s 2013 Frozen does not disappoint! It is visually stunning, funny and brings back all the magic of t..
Advent Resources 2019
We are focusing on the theme of who we are in Christ, our identity as we explore our theme Clear: Discovering the Real You. This is part o..
Compassion at Christmas 2019
Compassion is a beautiful word with a rich, deep meaning, more then showing kindness or sympathy. Compassion is about recognising the ..
Intergenerational Worship
It’s time to be real. It’s time to admit that worship with all ages present is easy to do appallingly and difficult to do well. It’s time ..
November Family Faith Conversation
Isn’t it amazing that God gives us spiritual gifts that we may build up, encourage and serve one another? Do you know what your spiritual ..
Book Review
Mr. Rogers was a beloved television neighbour of generations of kids for over 30 years! Did you know he was also a Presbyterian minister? ..