December 8
Pull out some crayons or markers and have some fun together as a family colouring!
Download and print some free Christmas pictures here..
December 7
I Wonder…
Are you taking time to rest? What does it look like for your family to rest well together?
December 6
Happy Saint Nicholas Day!
Take some time to read a story or learn about some of the stories of the real person that inspires some of ou..
December 5
Prayer Prompt: Whenever you hear a fire engine, ambulance or police sirens, pause to pray for the first responders who are caring for thos..
December 4
Have a Hot Chocolate Gratitude Party!
Fix steaming mugs of hot chocolate and take turns practicing gratitude while the chocolate cools…
December 3
Consider preparing some baked goodies to deliver to a neighbour!
Re-opening Children’s Ministry at Listowel Baptist Church
It certainly is an understatement to say that 2020 has been a year that has called upon ministry leaders to navigate ministry in new ways…
December 2
I wonder…
What treat or food item would you like to jump into a large container of?
December 1
We learn a little about Bethlehem in the Bible, we know it is where Jesus was born, but do you ever wonder what Bethlehem is like today? A..
Book Review
This is another wonderful book by authour Glenys Nellist and the latest addition to the Little Mole adventures. Aimed at younger kids (3-7..