Pastor Tip: Begin Talking about Christmas Plans with your Leaders
It’s hard to believe but we are already at that time of year! What will Advent and Christmas look like for your community of faith this year? Have you begun to think through your plans? For many children and family ministry leaders, this year will be a very different experience to plan for, particularly with restrictions in place for gathering in person (if at all). And yet, this is such an important season in our faith life that we would not want to miss out on the opportunity to create some opportunities for children, youth and families to celebrate the birth of Jesus as a community.
You may be thinking through your teaching/preaching series and the ways you might incorporate the Christmas traditions that are so meaningful to your community of faith but don’t forget to include your children’s ministry leaders and volunteers in the planning! If you have not already begun to plan with them, take some time this week to schedule a meeting or conversation with your key leaders. Brainstorm the opportunities you have this year to create some new experiences and memories to include children, youth and families in the celebration. Check out this post for some great ideas to consider. Check out this idea that East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church is doing this year with their children.
Consider the ways you can involve the youth in the planning and leading of Advent and Christmas. What ideas might they have? This is a great year to experiment and try something new in the way your community of faith celebrates together, even if physically apart!
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