Lightyear Movie Discussion Guide
Although Lightyear is a movie about the person that inspired the toy in Toy Story, there is no need to have watched Toy Story to enjoy this movie! Having said that, Toy Story fans may catch a glimpse of why Andy loved Buzz so much! This action-packed fun movie will delight all ages! Very young children may find a few scenes intense but overall it is an excellent, family friendly movie full of positive messages and great discussion opportunities. This movie contains diverse representations, including an LGBTQ character that eventually marries her partner. It is not a central theme and is included in a way that portrays it as something that everyone understands and accepts her identity.
Which of the characters did you like best?
What feelings did you experience in this movie?
Buzz makes a mistake that results in the whole spaceship of people being stranded on a dangerous planet. Why did Buzz feel like it was his responsibility to fix that mistake?
How is Alisha’s reaction to being stuck on the planet different from Buzz’s?
What do you learn about friendship in this movie?
Buzz was focused on what he thought mattered most and was his mission to complete. What did he learn as he kept trying and failing?
What did Buzz learn about teamwork?
I wonder what questions you have after watching this movie?
Other themes to discuss: perseverance, empathy, courage, overcoming fears, forgiveness.
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