The Kid Who Would Be King Discussion Guide
The Kid Who Would Be King is a fun, modern twist on the King Arthur legend of the sword in the stone. There are several great themes that could be discussed, particularly with older kids/tweens. The scenes with Morgana are creepy and several violent battles that could make this movie scary for younger children.
Which of the characters did you like best? Why?
What feelings did you experience in this movie?
In what ways have you felt insignificant or powerless to change a situation?
Discuss bullying. How does Alex turn his bullies into allies?
Discuss the chivalric code. How did it change the actions of the knights? Is there a code we live by?
Discuss meekness. Why was Bedders described as being meek?
Discuss identity. What was the significance of Merlin telling Alex he was chosen?
What does it mean to be extraordinary?
Other themes that could be discussed: teamwork, courage, perseverance, leadership, heroism, friendship.
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