Jingle Jangle Movie Discussion Guide
Jingle Jangle is a magical, musical and fun family Christmas movie that is currently streaming on Netflix. This family friendly movie has an overall positive message and likely would be ok for even young kids, but elementary age kids would be better suited to follow the plot and enjoy it more. Older kids/tweens may find the movie slow moving or boring.
Which of the characters did you like best? Why?
What feelings did you experience in this movie?
At the beginning of the movie, we see all kinds of amazing inventions Jeronicus made. Which one would you want? Is there something you would like to invents?
Which of your toys would you like to come to life?
What does it look like and feel like to believe in someone? Who do you believe in? Is it different to believe in a person that to believe in God? Share why.
Why do you think Gustafson stole the book of inventions from Jeronicus?
Journey is very curious. I wonder what you are curious about?
Journey has a gift – she can see and make calculations in her head. What is something you are really good at? What is your gift?
Journey felt like she belonged in her grandfather’s shop. Where do you feel like you belong?
Jeronicus apologized to his daughter. When is a time you apologized? Were you forgiven? Have you forgiven someone? What was that like for you? Why does forgiveness matter?
Other themes to discuss: family, tradition, patience.
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