January’s Beatitude
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
As I reflected on this verse, I thought about a person who both receives and shows compassion, a person who lives mercy above his/her own rights, a person who is exemplifies kindness. And I do not believe this is necessarily something that someone is by nature but rather because someone is shown mercy and lives dependant on God. We do not receive mercy because of the good deeds we have done but when we understand how important mercy is in the spiritual journey and therefore we are eager to share this with others. Have you ever thought, or heard anyone else say, “If God could save me, he could save anyone!” One song that immediately pops into my head is “Mighty to Save” by Hillsong.
I wonder what songs come to your mind as your reflect on this passage? What songs are you singing in your children and family ministries that convey this?
Here is a teaching idea you may consider:
Blessed are the merciful Lesson for kids
Be sure to follow our Pinterest Board for more ideas!
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