Intergenerational Compassion Experiences
All ages Ministering & Growing Together
Why Do “Compassion Experiences” with the whole family?
Compassion Experiences in general have the potential to be a great blessing both to local community members and to long-term Christian ministers cross culturally.
We believe these experiences stretch us out of our personal comfort zones and provide space for us to hear God speaking uniquely to our hearts in ways we don’t often hear in our regular day-to-day. We as believers are called and equipped with the Spirit, children included, to bless others and to be blessed. We believe that ministering with children is enriching to a community as a whole and reveals the Kingdom of God in a unique way to those we are serving.
Our hope is for Canadian Baptists of all ages to be engaged in service both locally and internationally, and for Canadian Baptist children and families to develop long-term friendships with communities cross-culturally. There are many needs and opportunities in Canada & abroad. God has a unique calling for each of us and these experiences may feed into those callings.
What role does CBOQ Children & Family play in this process?
Our purpose is to equip you and support you in your Compassion Experience process to function as a united all aged team! Ways we can support and equip you include: assisting in setting you up with the right organization and ministry to suit your group, providing materials and supports in the fundraising process as a group of all ages, doing on site team building training with you group on how to utilize the gifts and passions of all your team members. In some cases, group may want some additional support on the trip itself and we are open to supporting your team with presence too.
We can be as tightly connected to this experience with you or as loosely associated as your church family needs.
Will ‘CBOQ Children and Family’ Book our Tickets, Apply for Visas, make sure I’ve got my shots..etc?
We will work with a third party in this trip planning process. A missions agency will take care of your tickets, visas, and formal preparations. In contrast, our role is to focus on the Spiritual care and development of your team as you navigate the unique terrain of ministering With kids.
We have strong relationships with two organizations who are open to family based trips: Canadian Baptist Ministries and items (in connection with Lighthouse Ministries). The agency that we go with for you and your Compassion Experience will depend on what country your group feels called to and at what time of the year.
How Long..?
Typically families and groups will travel for 1-2 Weeks.
Most trips take 12-18 months of preparations and conversations to happen.
How do we get started?
Begin praying about this as an opportunity for you and your family in the coming 18 months. If you feel it’s good timing and God is “nudging” you, maybe start talking with people in your home church to see if others are interested in joining you! If there is a cluster of interested folks, we can come partner with you as a church. If there doesn’t seem to be much interest beyond you and your own family, give us a call anyways! Chances are there may be other families from the CBOQ also looking to form a team and we can connect you.
Right now we are looking at Summer 2016 or Christmas 2016. If you and your group are interested in any of those time slots it would be best to start chatting in the next few months.
May we embrace Paul’s encouragement to Timothy as we continue exploring how to honour our children in their unique giftedness and calling.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.1 Timothy 4:12
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