The Grinch Discussion Guide
The Grinch is a sweet movie! The Grinch doesn’t like Christmas, and will go to great lengths to try to steal it! With sweet humour and fun characters, families will enjoy this story of loneliness and kindness.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
Which character is your favourite?
Which characters show kindness? Who do you show kindness to?
Cindy Lou wanted to ask for a gift for her mom. What gifts would you ask for people you love?
Early in the movie, The Grinch felt left out. Have you ever felt lonely or left out?
Early in the movie, The Grinch felt that Christmas was about greed. Do you agree? What do you feel Christmas is about?
What makes your heart grow two sizes?
Other topics to discuss: compassion, loneliness, confession, forgiveness, com-munity, Fruit of the Spirit, The Nativity, friendship.
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