October Family Faith Conversation
You are a child of God! A child of God! Isn’t that amazing? To think God loves us so much that He actually calls us his child and we can approach him as “Daddy”! Blessings as you continue this conversation of Identity with your child. You may read directly from your device or click the button below for a print friendly version. If you need to download the journal page you can access it here.
Download Print VersionGetting Ready for the Search:
Chat Question: What do you like the most about babies? Do you or your family remember some fun baby stories about you? Share them!
Everyone in the family, put your hand in the middle. How are your hands similar? How are they different? On a piece of paper, trace the biggest hand in your family. Then in that tracing, trace the hand that’s just a bit smaller, and then the one smaller than that and so on. A picture of your family’s hands!
I wonder what is your favourite part of being in your family?
Looking for Clues in the Truth:
Read John 1:12. What does the Bible say about becoming part of God’s family?
Read Matthew 19:13-14 I wonder how the kids felt approaching Jesus? How do you think the disciples were feeling? What did Jesus want everyone to understand? How does that make you feel?
We found it! Time to Celebrate!
Take out your pillowcases and markers. Time to add another blessing to lay your head on!
This month, write on each person’s pillowcase why it is wonderful to God’s child. Or, you can write on it why you love being part of God’s family with them. If you prefer, draw pictures to express what you would like to share.
When you all are done with your art create a family circle and hold the ends of the pillowcases. Have a prayer time sharing with God what you created.
Write a note of blessing to each person in your family. You can write why it is wonderful to God’s child. Or, you can write on it why you love being part of God’s family with them. If you prefer, draw pictures to express what you would like to share. Put them in your shoebox. Pray over your notes, blessing the person you wrote them about and praising God for them!
Case Notes – Wrapping up the investigation!
Take a few minutes each week this month to complete your journal page! Don’t forget to pray each day for the item you wrote in that day’s box!
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