December Family Faith Conversation
Isn’t it AWESOME that God loves us so much that He sent his only Son to be born as a human?! As you reflect on that this month in preparation for celebrating Christmas, may you be reminded in a fresh way how incredibly, deeply loved you are! May your kids know that no matter how much you love them, God loves them even more! You may read directly from your device or click the button below for a print friendly version. If you need to download the journal page you can access it here.
Download Print VersionGetting Ready for the Search:
Chat Questions: What does it look like to be loved? What does it smell like to be loved? What does it taste like to be loved? What does it sound like to be loved? What does it feel like to be loved?
Can you make a heart with your hands? Take pictures of each person in your family making a heart. Who do you love? What do you love? What does your heart in your picture represent?
Looking for Clues in the Truth:
Look up John 3:16. I wonder how much God loves us? What does the Bible say we get because He loves us so much?
Now look at 1 Corinthians 13. What does the Bible say that love looks like? What are we without love?
It’s coming up on Christmastime! What a great time to celebrate God’s love! What are some ways we can show our love to our families? Friends and neighbours? Our world?
We found it! Time to Celebrate!
Find your pillowcase. Write on your families’ pillowcases how much you love them. Remind them of how much God loves them! Use pictures if you prefer.
When you all are done with your art create a family circle and hold the ends of the pillowcases. Have a prayer time sharing with God what you created.
Write a note of blessing to tell each family member how much you love them. Remind them that God loves them, too!
Put them in your shoebox. Pray over your notes, blessing the person you wrote them about and praising God for them!
Case Notes: Wrapping up the Investigation:
Take a few minutes each week this month to complete your journal page! Don’t forget to pray each day for the item you wrote in that day’s box!
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