Christ is Risen!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
It is the Easter Season! I love that the church has set not just one day for Easter but 50! Beginning on Easter Sunday and extending until Pentecost Sunday we are invited to celebrate Easter. Further, we are invited to be ‘Easter people’. There is a saying, often ascribed to St. Augustine of Hippo but said by many throughout the years that “We are an Easter people, and Alleluia is our song.” I find this to be a beautiful description that captures our identity as disciples of Jesus.
Not only was Jesus discovered to alive that first Easter morning but he is still alive among us today! We read in Scripture that the disciples who met the risen Lord were obviously changed in a dramatic way. They were relentless in their pursuit of continuing the mission of Jesus as we discover reading the book of Acts. I wonder if we are as relentless today as those early disciples? I wonder how we, in our families can continue the mission of Jesus, beginning in this Easter season?
The Easter season offers us an opportunity to really cultivate the spirit of who we are as Christians and celebrate what it means to be a person of faith! I encourage you to create opportunities in your families and with your children to cultivate the joy of being ‘Easter people’ an share that joy. Here are a few ideas:
- Pray together as a family for people you can share Jesus with
- Thank your pastors, children’s ministry leaders and any others who organized and led Easter weekend activities
- Encourage people in their faith
- Go on an ‘Emmaus Walk’ together: Read the account of Luke 24:13-35 as you walk around your neighbourhood. Ask one another, ‘What would you talk with Jesus about if he joined you on your walk? How can we learn to be more aware of Jesus’ presence? How can we share Jesus with others?’
- Spend time as a family doing a fun devotional activity where you write imaginary interviews with the people in the Gospels to whom the risen Jesus appeared. This could include people like Simon Peter, John, Mary, Mary Magdalene, the women at the tomb, Thomas, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, the apostles, the soldiers at the tomb, Pontius Pilate or the chief priests.
What other ideas do you have for celebrating the Easter Season? I would love to hear your stories! Email me!
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