CategoryIntergenerational Compassion Experiences
All ages Ministering & Growing Together
Why Do “Compassion Experiences” with the whole family?
Compassion Experiences in general have..
With Great Power…
Safety Policy.
Its complicated, arduous and overwhelming at times.
It scares volunteers away…
Many churches have functioned without them..
Renewed at Blown Away Conference
Conference Overview By Tina Rae, Westview Baptist Church in London Ontario
As spring has come so have the learning opportunities for ch..
Spirit Led Discernment for Screen-Time
We have probably all heard a lot of snippets, articles and advice regarding screen time. For many families, the choice of ‘how much, at ..
Showing up for Jesus
I went for a run last week with a friend who works in a church. In between gasps of breath we chatted about our kids and the upcoming Eas..
Hospitality & Inclusion: Finding a Way to make it work
There’s an underground mall down the street from us that is quite lovely to work in.
There’s starbucks, goodlife, timothys, a couple banks..
Cinderella and the messages we tell our kids
A couple weekends ago I went to see Cinderella. I have a brother who Loves loves loves Disney princesses and so whenever he sees another r..
“Just tell me, what must I do?”
Over the years I have really grown to enjoy lists. On my fridge are pinned lists of Go-To meals for breakfast, lunch and supper. Beside th..
Book Review- Generations Together- Amidei, Merhaut, & Roberto
It was my third year ecclesiology class that captured my heart for all things faith-related that ended in “ology”. This world of church, f..
The Journey toward Compassion is Paved with Experiences
Compassion Experiences: “A particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another ..