CategoryLet’s Go to Bethlehem!
We are on a Bible Trek Expedition as we journey back in time to explore what happens in different towns and places where Jesus was.
Book Review
Go on an adventure through God’s Word! This book presents 100 key Bible stories, arranged in 20 sections of 5 stories in an exciting way f..
Join Us On An Expedition!
Welcome to Expedition Bible Trek!
Do you like to travel?
Join in the fun as we journey back in time to explore what happens in differ..
Book Review
Like most parents, my wife and I just assumed that when our kids grew up and left our Whitby home to start their own, they would live clos..
Book Review
I don’t think I need to convince this audience that children are not the church of tomorrow but the church of today. But how can one convi..
Make Your Own Candy Nativity
Make some sweet memories together with your kids as you talk about the Nativity Story! Use the following conversation prompts to wonder to..
Book Review
With Julian of Norwich as the background to this story, Lacy Finn Borgo has written a deeply moving story of a young girl, Julian losing h..
Book Review
Sandra Sutherland is a retired Canadian Baptist of Atlantic Canada pastor with a wealth of wisdom, expertise and practical tools for guidi..
Grandparents and Grandkids Experiencing God Together
Intentional Spiritual Grandparenting matters!
That is why we are pleased to offer resources to equip you with simple ideas and tips. Be..
Spiritual Grandparenting Resources
Check out the videos we have created for ideas, tips, stories from grandparents and more on our Grandtastic Adventure Youtube playlist.