Faith Formation
CategoryFinding Dory Discussion Guide
Finding Dory is a sequel to Finding Nemo but instead of a parent searching for a child, Dory is searching for her parents. There are some ..
Discovering Godly Play
There are so many sunday school curricula on the market today and many of them are very good. But I wonder if you have come across this on..
Godly Play at First Baptist Simcoe
First Baptist Simcoe knew they needed to discover a new approach to their children’s ministry. The format they had been following for many..
Play Time with Jesus
If you are looking for ways to introduce young children to spending time with Jesus in prayer then this is a book worth checking out!
“Just tell me, what must I do?”
Over the years I have really grown to enjoy lists. On my fridge are pinned lists of Go-To meals for breakfast, lunch and supper. Beside th..
Big Hero 6 Movie Discussion Guide
Big Hero 6 is the Disney adaptation of the Marvel comic and is a delightfully engaging story for kids of all ages. One of the main themes ..