Faith Formation
CategoryCompassion at Christmas 2019
Compassion is a beautiful word with a rich, deep meaning, more then showing kindness or sympathy. Compassion is about recognising the ..
Intergenerational Worship
It’s time to be real. It’s time to admit that worship with all ages present is easy to do appallingly and difficult to do well. It’s time ..
November Family Faith Conversation
Isn’t it amazing that God gives us spiritual gifts that we may build up, encourage and serve one another? Do you know what your spiritual ..
Book Review
Mr. Rogers was a beloved television neighbour of generations of kids for over 30 years! Did you know he was also a Presbyterian minister? ..
An Opportunity to Bless
Many schools may be closed on Monday
Due to the ongoing labour negotiations between the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the govern..
October Family Faith Conversation
You are a child of God! A child of God! Isn’t that amazing? To think God loves us so much that He actually calls us his child and we can a..
Abominable Movie Discussion Guide
Abominable is a delightful and beautiful adventure through China. Set in Shanghai, Yi, a teenager who has lost her father and is shutting ..
Dr. Holly Allen is Coming!
The Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference, an annual conference co-sponsored by CBOQ Kids along with Wycliffe, Tyndale and the Centre for..
Book Review
Rachel Turner’s book, It takes a church to raise a parent, is by far the best book I have currently read on effectively equipping families..
September Family Faith Conversation
No one exists by chance or mistake! There is a purpose and reason. What an important truth for each of us to allow to sink deep deeply int..