Book Review

Book Review

This new book from Christie Thomas is a must read. Her engaging writing will encourage, empower and equip readers with how to take small steps to build habits for family discipleship that are attainable and sustainable. Using what she calls “The Faith Growth Cycle”, she walks readers through a three step process for developing little habits to cultivate a faith-filled home. Full of personal stories, practical tips and wisdom, this book offers the tools and resources parents and caregivers need to be intentional in nurturing faith in their families.

This is a must read book for parents seeking to take seriously their call as primary faith influencers, as well as for pastors, ministry leaders and other adults seeking to come alongside families in nurturing faith. Check out Christie’s video intro below and order your copy today from Bernice at Read On Bookstore.

*Christie Thomas is the Plenary Speaker at the 2024 Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference.

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