Book Review
Lacy Finn Borgo’s newest book is a must-read especially for those ministering with children. We are particularly familiar with the words of Jesus instructing us to become like little children and to have childlike faith, perhaps we have even spoken on this. But what does this really mean? What does childlike faith look like for you? Through this book, Borgo, a Spiritual Director with the Renovaré Institute, invites readers to welcome the child within by leading through 7 ways. From her introduction she writes,
This book will explore what it looks like to re-member (to revisit and revive what has been part of us) our childhood selves, to let the Spirit heal the childhood wounds that have calloused our hearts. We will re-member the natural patterns of our childhood selves that enabled us to live with freedom in God’s wonder-filled presence. We will unpack seven general ways of being that are natural to childhood and suggest healing spiritual practices that can help us grow a whole life with God.
She makes the argument that when we “welcome our own childhood selves and the Christ-child, we will be more able to welcome children in our own lives.” Moving through the book readers are invited to explore the ways of children and reengage with their own memories of childhood through play. She describes the work offered through this book as “essential work”, particularly for those that work or live with children because they can easily spot a “fake”.
Each chapter ends with some “Welcoming Practices” related to the theme of that chapter. This is not a book to read for content only, but a book to engage with in spiritual formation practices. She offers 2 tips at the beginning for working through this book: be around kids (not difficult for those of in children’s ministry!) and work through it with someone-like a spiritual director or a trusted friend. At the end of the book she offers a reflection and discussion guide to move through the book in 5 sessions. Each session contains both Scripture and story and would offer a great outline for a small group to move through. This would be great for a children’s ministry volunteer team or a parent group to do.
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