Book Review
I was recently given a copy of the book Pray for Me by Tony Souder. As I looked through it I discovered that this book was actually written as a prayer guide to accompany a campaign of prayer for the next generation. The campaign, Pray For Me emerged from the question,
“How can we connect more adults with more young people more naturally than ever before?”
This book, which is geared towards praying for children up to grade 5, (there is also a book written for praying for youth grades 6 -12) is a great resource for anyone who is looking for guidance in how to pray specifically and strategically for particular children. There are 3 primary components to the book: Praying the Scriptures, The 7 Essentials and the SeeSavorShare (S3) Discipleship approach.
This book is quite helpful in guiding the reader in turning Scripture into prayers for children. The authour has chosen what he has termed, “The 7 Essentials” from 2 Scripture passages: Luke 2:52 and 1 Timothy 4:12. These 7 essentials are wisdom, favour, love, faith, purity, speech and conduct. The book focuses a week of Scriptural prayers based around each essential.
In total, the book is structured to provide 13 weeks of daily prayer prompts. Readers will find this a helpful resource to guide them in prayer for a child(ren).
As already stated, this book can actually be used as part of a church wide campaign of prayer. All the resources a church needs to run it is as suggested, including videos and promotional material is available for FREE on the website. (except for the prayer book, which would need to be purchased for each participant)
Whether your church chooses to join the campaign or not, I recommend this book as a great way to engage people in praying specifically for children. You may purchase a copy from Read On Books by contacting Bernice.
Would you be available to talk to our church or our association about youth (children) and how to reach them? We are sincerely trying but are not that successful. Maybe we need a catalyst/a wake-up call.
Hi John. I will contact you directly to discuss with you the challenges and opportunities for reaching youth and children.