Book Review
Looking for a meaningful way to engage kids in learning the Lord’s prayer? This brand new resource designed for kids is a great way to get kids praying and learning to journal prayers too! The authour, Liz Millay describes the resource on her webpage as
Created with young readers and writers in mind, Pray Like This guides children ages 7-11 through the Lord’s Prayer, learning to pray through readings, prayer examples, and fun journaling prompts.
This resource contains:
- An introduction to the basics of prayer
- A brief reading to go along with each day’s section of the Lord’s Prayer
- Journal prompts
- Prayer examples
It is structured by moving through the Lord’s prayer over 8 weeks, 6 days a week and it also includes a parent guide with some great prayer ideas for parents too!
I like how this journal is designed for kids to either write or draw their thoughts and does not actually require a lot of writing! This is great, especially for kids that are still learning to write! I also appreciate the different prayer prompts for each day, 48 in total that encourage creativity and allow for kids to develop their own personal way of responding in prayer.
Overall I think this is a fantastic resource for kids, especially as a way to learn to have their own quiet times! I recommend either purchasing this for the families in your faith communities or recommending this to families as a must have resource!
As an added bonus this resource can be purchased as a physical book, which is the most expensive option, OR families can purchase it as a pdf download and print it out for less then $10 OR what I think is the best option, churches can purchase a group use license and print as many copies as needed for the families in your community…for only $20! This is a great, low cost way to equip families with an excellent faith formation resource. Details here.
For those who are attending our annual Assembly coming up on June 13 – 15, 2019 you have the opportunity to receive a free copy if you are one of the first 10 people to come by the Next Gen display and say, “I want my kids to pray like this.”
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