Intergenerational Ministry Resources for Blown Away Participants
Thank you for participating in my workshop at Blown Away! I will post any follow up items from the Workshop here on Monday, April 8th.
I have linked many of the resources I referred to here on this page for you. If there is any further way I can assist you in your journey towards intergenerational ministry please feel free to email me: tyuen@baptist.ca
Links listed in your handouts:
GenOn Ministries There are many helpful resources and articles, including a great evaluative tool.
Sticky Faith Helpful resources, articles and research.
Barnabas in Churches Ideas, programs, events, teaching outlines and more.
Messy Church Lots of great ideas that can be used/adapted even if you are not running Messy Church.
Intergenerational Tool Kit A fantastic resource put together by the Christian Reformed Church.
Lifelong Faith Articles, research and ideas curated from numerous Protestant and Roman Catholic churches.
reFocus An excellent blog about intergenerational worship and ministry.
This is a great blog post on Why Intergenerational Ministry?
CBOQ created resources:
Planning Intergenerational Events A resource for planning events along with some step by step instructions of event ideas.
In 2018 our theme emphasis for our entire denomination was on Next Generation Ministry. For our CBOQ Sunday we created a worship resource for planning an intergenerational service. For our Annual Assembly (3 day gathering of pastors and delegates for our business, worship and learning convention) I led a workshop that essentially took that resource guide and practically showed an example of leading it as an intergenerational service. Both the worship resource as well as the youtube recording of the workshop are posted below:
Worship-Resources A planning resource created for CBOQ Sunday.
Worship Bulletin An example of a way to create a bulletin that can enhance the intergenerational worship experience.
Stories of Intergenerational Worship from some of our churches:
Intergenerational Easter Experience
Intergenerational Experiences: Prayer
Intergenerational Experiences: Children in Worship without tears
Intergenerational Experiences: Dedicating Parents
Intergenerational worship at Highland Baptist
Worship Questions to Reflect On
How often do your services include elements that acknowledge or appeal to all ages, including children, teens, adults and seniors?
At what age do children in your church attend worship with the adults? Thinking theologically and biblically, why does your church choose to niche or mix various age groups?
If your church includes children for part or all of the worship service, what are your expectations for their behavior? How do families learn what your church considers appropriate in worship?
What would you lose by changing who attends, designs or leads worship? What would you gain?
What is the best way you’ve found to engage all ages in worship?
Which intergenerational worship participation changes have been easy to implement yet have made a measurable difference?
What are the best insights on how to engage all generations in worship, while remaining true to your congregational values?
When kids worship separately for years, how do they form the habit of worshipping with adults?
Which worship habits does your church do best with and at what age do worshippers start practicing them?
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