Barnabas and Paul
Have you met Barnabas in the bible? He is known as an encourager. His name even means “Son of encouragement”. What does “encourage” mean? Who is an encourager for you? Who do you encourage?
What are the best parts of spending time with an encourager? I wonder, if you were travelling a far distance with a tough job to do, what would be the best parts of travelling with an encourager?
In Acts 14:1-7, we see that Paul and Barnabas travelled to a city called Iconium, which is found in modern-day Turkey. Paul and Barnabas shared with big crowds about Jesus. Some people were happy to hear about Jesus, and some were very angry to hear about Jesus. People started to plan to capture Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas found out about the plan to get them and they left to go to Lystra and Derbe. They continued to share about Jesus there.
Chat Together…
I wonder why some people are eager to hear about Jesus and some are not?
How do you share who Jesus is?
How do you share about Jesus using words?
Who has taught you about Jesus?
I wonder if sharing about Jesus and being an encourager are two things that go together?
Let’s try a food experiment…
Paul and Barnabas shared about Jesus wherever they went. Let’s try making a bread starter that you can share with your friends! This takes several days, but has very yummy results! Check out this link.
Take a photo of your creation with Flat Jesus! Tag CBOQKids or use #cboqkids #takeoutchurch #flatjesus on social media. We would love to see how it turns out!
Paul and Barnabas share about Jesus, and when we share, we are serving in a very special way. Collect up old books and toys for the hand-me-down bag or donation bin. Find clothes that don’t fit for the hand-me-down bag or donation bin as well. Share baking with a friend or neighbour. How will you share today?
Take it with you! Jesus did amazing things. With Jesus, I can do amazing things!
Jesus, thank you for people in my life who encourage me, like…
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