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Resource Links

Links PS1400

You will find a lot of helpful resources and ideas on the following websites:

Faith at Home Canada has resources to equip churches to develop a faith at home strategy.

Children’s Ministry has many helpful articles, activities, lessons, teacher tips and more.  Web compliment to the print magazine.

Ministry to Children has many helpful ideas, lessons and downloads.

Focus on the Family has articles and resources on marriage, parents and kids.

Barnabas in Churches has lots of articles, ideas, programs and worship experiences for children’s and family events.

Homefront Magazine is a free monthly resource for parents full of ideas and articles for creating fun and spiritually forming experiences in the home.  Parents can sign up to have it emailed monthly or download the free app for their smartphone.

YourChurchZone is a site of David C Cook with lots of resources, books and curriculum for purchase.

Sermons4Kids has lots of children’s story ideas, colouring pages, puzzles, games and more.

Sunday Children’s Focus is a Canadian resource with clever children’s sermons and object lessons available free of charge.

Parent Link is an affordable, customizable monthly parent newsletter full of great articles and resources that churches can use.

SignUp Genius is an excellent free tool for creating online sign up lists for volunteers.

Winning Kids is a Canadian company providing excellent resources, training and customized protection policies based on current Canadian law and regulations.

Bibliography for Children and Family Ministry Leaders contains a list of the top recommended books for ministry leaders on topics related to children and family ministry.