10 Minute Training

10 Minute Training

Join me on Facebook for 10 Minute Training! What is 10 Minute Training? It is just as the name suggests, I speak for 10 minutes on a topic related to children and family ministry on facebook live! These live presentations generally happen on Tuesdays at 10 am. Follow our Facebook page to keep updated on upcoming topics and dates. Miss a live presentation? That is ok! You can find the recording in the videos tab of the facebook page. Not on facebook? Find all the trainings on our youtube channel.

Is there a particular topic that you would like to see addressed? Email Tanya and it may be developed into an upcoming training.

I hope these 10 Minute Trainings are helpful to you as a ministry leader both for your own development and as a resource for your own volunteer training. Please email me any comments, suggestions or ideas for ways this can better strengthen the ministries you serve. Any topic addressed in a 10 Minute Training can be presented in a more in depth workshop or webinar for your leadership team. Contact Tanya for more details.

Following is a list of 10 Minute Training topics that you will find on the facebook page or youtube channel:

Nursery Ministry

Volunteer Care

Marriage Care

The Kids You’ll Meet

Maximising Your Investment with Kids

Classroom Management

Parent Support

Creative Storytelling

Effective Use of Music in Your Ministry

Choosing Curriculum

Camp Connections

Day Camp/VBS Connections


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